
10 things to bring on a Safari

The borders are opening, people are getting vaccinated, and hope to return to “normal” is getting bigger and bigger. Many want to get back to nature and mostly get back to Africa. I know I want to.

There is always that question. what should I bring for my safari? I don’t want to bring three 30kg bags just for 5 days in the African bush. Also, I don’t want to travel too lightly and regret not having that thing with me. There are many websites that can give you this answer, and they have amazing answers and tips. But what about what you should bring inside the car? 


Here are our top 10 things that you must bring with you on an African Safari inside the car!


  • Camera

For me the most important one! I’m a photographer and I love taking photos, especially of wildlife. So for me having a camera with me is a must. You should also bring:

  • Extra Batteries, it is very common to get excited and take 1000 photos a day, normally using 1 or 2 batteries a day;
  • Extra memory cards, as I said, it is very common to get excited and take 1000 photos a day;
  • Cleaner rocket (or blower), something to blow all the dust away from the camera and lens. It is very dusty in the bush;
  • A cloth (or you can use your jacket) to cover the equipment when there is a lot of dust;
  • Big zoom lens (if you can), we never know how far the animals will be;
  • A small lens, in case the animals are close to the vehicle (Smartphones can also work if they are close enough).

Disclaimer: There is no need to buy a big and professional camera. Your phone is just perfect to capture the amazing moments!

  • Sunscreen and Insect Repellent

Africa has a lot of Sun. Because of that, never forget to put on your sunscreen. Many people believe that just because we are in a car, most with a rooftop, they don’t get sunburned. Think again! The African Sun doesn’t forgive. Depending on how well your skin reacts to the sun, always bring sunscreen or sunblock strong enough.

Insect repellent. I’ll say it again, INSECT REPELLENT! It will be your salvation. The principal active ingredient is N, N-Diethyl-Metatoluamide (DEET), an effective repellent that will have 75% content or higher. 

  • Hat and Sunglasses

Again the sun is the main factor for this choice. Even though you are inside a car with a rooftop, the car will be moving around. It will be a matter of time before you have the sun in your face. This is where the sunglasses are very useful and the hat. 

Another great thing about the safari is the sundowners, or the morning coffee in the middle of the bush. I love that part. Here you will be very happy to have a hat with you and the sunglasses. The hat also protects your hair from getting a lot of sand in it and also protects your head from the sun. 

PS: The hat should protect your ear, neck and nose. These are better than the baseball caps.

  • Clothes and Shoes

Most likely you will be wearing a t-shirt and some nice shorts. It is comfortable and fresh. But in the morning it can be cold, or when the sun sets down, the temperature drops. I always recommend bringing a warm jacket with you. You will use it in the beginning of the morning, and in the end of the afternoon. A windbreaker will also do the trick. 

Always try the khaki colour. This is the best colour to be around the bush. Not only will you blend in with the environment but also it will not be hot. White is not a good colour, you will be easily spotted by the animals but also it gets dirty very quickly. 

Now shoes. Comfortable shoes! Ladies don’t bring your high heels and men don’t bring your white sneakers. The shoes will get destroyed. Some good and light shoes (outdoor shoes or running shoes) are perfect for the safari. 

Good breathable socks are also very important.

  • Water 

Despite your guide, in the car, should always have enough water, it is always good to bring one of your own, just in case. Water is very important while doing a safari. You can easily get dehydrated without even noticing. Always stay hydrated with a bottle of water.

  • Binoculars

In the African bush, it is normal for the animals to not allow us to get closer. The shiest animals won’t let you get close. A good pair of binoculars will allow you to see the animals from far away. 

For bird lovers, it is a must. The only way to see the birds in close view before they take off. 

  • Headlight, lights

I could go on and on about how many times I found myself in a dangerous situation because I didn’t have my headlight or a torch with me. Always have a light with you. When you leave for the afternoon safari, most of the time you get back to the lodge at night. It is important to have a light with you because it helps you to organize your things in the car in total darkness. Also very useful to avoid stepping on something unpleasant. 

  • Smartphone

I doubt anyone would go on a safari and forget their smartphone. Nowadays it is almost a part of our body. Smartphones can be useful to take photos of animals that are super close to the car. But never forget to put it on silent. 

Can be used with identification apps for birds and mammals. You can also have pdfs with the tracks of the animals.

Remember also that you are there to watch wildlife. Forget about your phone, it is only there for close-up photos and/or emergencies.

  • Pocket Knife

Pocket knife, multitools, swiss army knife, any of these can be extremely useful. Law of Murphy, “everything that can go wrong, will go wrong”. Africa is a big fan of this law. It is always better to be prepared for it. Sometimes to screw something in your camera or lens, other times to remove thorns from your shoes. It is a must to have.

  • Toilet Paper

So important. Sometimes nature calls, and it’s not easy to find a toilet in the middle of the bush. When you got to go, you got to go! Always good to have toilet paper or some wipes in your bag. Normally the car should have some, but again, just in case.


In case you are a woman, a sports bra will be your best friend. The rides can be extremely bumpy and it can be uncomfortable. 


I hope you enjoyed our list of 10 important things to bring on an African safari inside the vehicle. There are many more items also important but for me, these are the most important ones to have.

We inspire because we care


Bea & João

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